On 1 December 2024, the PABSEC Monitoring Delegation consisting of Ms. Blagica Lasovska, Head of the PABSEC Delegation of North Macedonia, Mr. Mustafa Hamarat, Vice-Chair of the PABSEC Committee for Legal Affairs and International Cooperation, Member of the PABSEC Turkish Delegation, Mr. Asaf Hajiyev, PABSEC Secretary General, Ms. Bleta Biljali, Secretary of the PABSEC Delegation of North Macedonia, and Ms. Fikriye Yakistiran, Secretary of the PABSEC Turkish Delegation, took part in the observation mission for the parliamentary elections in Romania. The PABSEC delegation visited the Permanent Electoral Authority and took part in the briefing by the President Mr. Toni Grebla. The PABSEC representatives received information on the preparation and organization of the voting and familiarized themselves with the electoral legislation. The observers particularly noted the consistent work of the Permanent Electoral Authority in ensuring the openness and transparency of the elections. The Romanian Parliament is bicameral: the Chamber of Deputies (lower house) and the Senate (upper house). The constitutional term of office of the Parliament is four years. 466 members of parliament are elected to the bicameral Parliament: 136 members of the Senate and 330 members of the Chamber of Deputies. On election day, the PABSEC delegation visited several polling stations in Bucharest and noted that the elections were held in full compliance with the standards of democratic elections and national legislation. Turnout, according to preliminary data, was 42%. The electoral threshold for parties is 5%. According to preliminary data released by the Permanent Electoral Commission of Romania, the Social Democratic Party (PSD) – 22.6%, the Alliance for the Unification of Romanians (AUR) Party – 18.2%, the National Liberal Party (PNL) – 14.4%, Save Romania Union (USR) – 12.1%, Save Romania (SOS) – 7.6%, the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania (UDMR) – 6.5%, and the Party of Young People (POT) – 6.3%.
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